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L&B Technology

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01. Acquired patent [No. 10-1813554] Seismic systems with seismic control functions
03. Appointed as 2020 export strategic enterprise promotion business by the Public Procurement Service


02. Awarded from the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy

04  Registered as UNGM vendor

05. Selected as 2019 Pre Champ (Excellent local company)

05. Completed, expanded, and relocated logistics center, research center, and plant

05. Registered as US Federal Government vendor [SAM]

07. Appointed as 2019 export strategic enterprise promotion business by the Public Procurement Service

11. Registered patent [No. 10-2049464] Energy saving broadcasting systems

12. Registered patent [No. 10-2058862] Broadcasting systems that provide diversified sound sources for disaster applications

12. Concluded Distributor Agreement with Doan Trung in Vietnam


03. Registered Japanese patent [No. 6307574] Digital electric bill board broadcasting systems using CAN communication 
05. Registered patent [No. 10-1864879] Digital electric bill board broadcasting systems detecting disconnection of CAN bus
05. Registered patent [No. 10-1864870]

Digital electric bill board broadcasting systems equipped with CAN communication for multinational language simultaneous broadcasting


01. Selected as KOTRA global procurement company
02. Certified for NET new technology-applied product [No. 0951]
02. Won the award of the Administrator of Public Procurement Service
03. Certified for the performance [No. 12-240, Model name: LNB-P, LNB-AV]
04. Selected as the small hidden champion by the Ministry of Employment and Labor
05. Registered a patent [No. 10-1743048] for the PA broadcasting system using CAN communications
05. Signed the agreement with Busan Electronic Technical High School [Job-oriented class of specialized vocational high school-student recruit and employment agreement]
06. Selected as the member of Busan Techno Park
06. Registered trademark in Korea [No. 40-1261174]
06. Digital PA & image broadcasting system, AV broadcasting system designated as the excellent government procurement products
07. Registered a patent [No. 10-1757157] for PA system using CAN communications 


 01. Signed MOU with Busan Institute of Science and Technology [business agreement on supporting promotion of NCS-based recruit & employment of youth]
Signed a business agreement with Busan Northern District Office of Education [education cooperation agreement for training talents with future core ability]   

02. Won a prize from the Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office 
04. Selected as the IP STAR corporate

09. Joined Busan IT business cooperative association 
09. Signed the apprentices’ school-corporate agreement with Busan Digital High
10. Signed the apprentices’ school-corporate agreement with Busan Digital High School 
and 1 Chinese patent]  

12. Awarded by Mayor of Busan
12. Selected as the excellent Busan corporate 


05. Joined Busan Venture Business Association
05. Registered Engineering Business
05. Joined Korean Engineering Association
06. Selected as the fast developing (Gazelles Company) company
10. Awarded by the Prime Minister
12. Verified as INNO-BIZ
12. Joined INNO-BIZ Association
12. Certified as NET new technology [No. 0951] 

12. Awarded by the Administrator of Small Business Administration 


01. Joined Sound Business Association of Korea Electronics Association 
Registered a patent [No. 10-1365237] for the monitoring camera system 02. adaptably supporting multi-resolution

Registered a patent [No. 10-1388430] for the monitoring camera system 

04. adaptably determining necessity of power supply  

08. Joined Korea Electronic Industries Cooperative 
10. Awarded by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy
10. Selected as the G-PASS company (procurement PQ company)
Obtained certificate for L&B Technology R&D Center (Korea Industrial 12. Technology Association) 
12. Joined Korea Industrial Technology Association 


03.  Registered the design [No. 30-0687179] 

11.  Registered a patent [No. 10-1330191] for the broadcasting control system including CAN communications terminal resistance and automatic speed setting device 

11.  Registered a patent [No. 10-1334148] for the apparatus for removing induced lightning by zone through automatic access to grounding unit 


03. The school PA system and auditorium broadcasting system designated as the excellent government procurement product [2011192]
06. Joined Government Excellent Products Association
09. Registered designs [No. 30-0659094 and other 4 designs]
10. Registered a US patent [US 8,553,902 B2] 


02. Registered a patent [No. 10-1017018] for the multi-channel broadcasting system using digital matrix amplifier and the control method thereof 

05. Certified as ISO quality management system [ISO9001:2008] 

10. Verified as a venture [Korea Technology Finance Corporation] 

10. Verified as a women friendly company and joined Korean Women Entrepreneurs Association 

12. Obtained K-Mark [Performance PC12011-208] for the school PA system 

12. Obtained K-Mark [Performance PC12011-209] for the auditorium broadcasting system 


2010. 06. Registered a patent [No. 10-0965086] for the monitoring system of safety induction line  

2009. 01.Won the excellent local company prize of the Public Procurement Service – Administrator of Busan Regional Public Procurement Service  

2009. 06.Founded the subsidiary of L&B Technology Co., Ltd.  

2009. 06.Registered a patent [No. 10-0901762] for the method of serial access to data of multi-channel microphone  

2009. 08. Registered the Information and Communication Works Business 

2009. 08.  Joined Information & Communication Financial Cooperative 

2009. 08. Joined Korea Information & Comm. Contractors Association  


2008. 04. Registered as the member of KOCIC 

2007. 02. Licensed for Information & Communication Works Business 

2007. 04. Registered as the member of Korea Electronic Industries Cooperative 

2006. 07. Changed company name from Hanil MediaTech (sound & broadcasting device, CCTV device) 

2006. 11. Registered as the broadcasting image device manufacturing factory (owned) 


1997. 06  Founded Hanil Media 

(sound & broadcasting device, CCTV device) 




Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about L&B Technology.


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Head office & R&D center :

3 Minam-ro, Yeonje-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea 

Phone: 82-51-851-3400 | Fax: 82-51-851-4646


Seoul-Gyeonggi Branch :
19 Seohaean-ro 34ga-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

Phone: 82-2-6052-3400 | Fax: 82-2-6052-3402

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